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100次浏览 发布时间:2025-01-14 17:05:19美国学生签证面试时,签证官可能会问到的问题主要包括:
What's your name?
Where are you from?
What's your hobby?
What do your parents do?
Why do you want to go to the United States for further study?
Why do you choose this university?
What will you study in the United States?
Where did you graduate from?
What's your major?
Why do you give up study in such a good Chinese university and go to America?
Which school will you study in?
How do you get to know this school?
Which state are you going to in America?
Are you going to study in USA?
Do you have enough financial support for your studies?
How will you support yourself during your studies?
What will you do after your studies?
Are you planning to return to China after your studies?
Do you have any family in the United States?
Do you like America?
Have you ever been to the United States before?
Are you familiar with the American culture?
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